Do you want To Join Wrexham Swimming Club?
We have a strong link with Freedom Leisure who provide many of the swimming lessons in the Wrexham area, with the swimming teachers fully aware of the minimum criteria we require to join the club (Wave 7 and competent in all 4 strokes). To join the club either contact us directly or speak to your child’s swimming teacher. They will then be invited to our next Trial Session for assessment, and may be asked to join one of the various training groups within the club dependant on their abilities and space within the club.
Please email our club secretary for further information at
If you are an established competitive swimmer moving to the area, we would be happy to discuss with you whether Wrexham SC is the best fit for you to continue your swimming journey. If you feel this applies please contact our club secretary as above.
Masters swimming
Who are Wrexham Masters?
We are a group of swimmers from 18 upwards to 75+ who enjoy training and competing together - with the occasional social get together as we all like food!!
MASTER swimmer?? Get in touch today for details: email